Recommended ID resources

My preferred comprehensive ID resources for North America north of Mexico*

  • Butterflies | A Swift Guide to Butterflies of North America by Glassberg
  • Tiger beetles | A Field Guide to the Tiger Beetles of the United States and Canada by Pearson, et al.
  • Dragonflies | Dragonflies and Damselflies of the East (and the western edition) by Paulson
  • Bumblebees | Bumble Bees of North America: An Identification Guide by Williams et al.
  • Ant genera | Ants of North America: A Guide to the Genera by Fisher & Cover
  • Bees genera | The Bee Genera of North and Central America by Michener et al.
  • Frogs & Toads | The Frogs and Toads of North America by Elliott, et al. (includes audio)
  • Birds | Sibley Guide to Birds by Sibley
  • Trees | Sibley Guide to Trees of N. America by Sibley

Other useful comprehensive ID resources, at varying geographic and taxonomic scales

  • Birds of Central America | by Vallely & Dyer
  • Spiders | Spiders of the World: A Guide to Every Family by Platnick et al.
  • Plants of Yosemite | An Illustrated Flora of Yosemite National Park by Botti & Sydoriak (just amazing…)
  • Vascular plants of California | Jepson eFlora
  • Mosses of California | Jepson eFlora (mosses)
  • California herps | Amphibians and reptiles of California by Stebbins & McGinnis
  • Hover flies of the Northeastern US | Field Guide to the Flower Flies of Northeastern North America by Skevington, et. al.
  • Bird vocalizations of the US | Peterson Field Guide to Bird Sounds of Eastern N. America by Pieplow (see also: Western edition)
  • Marine invertebrates of the West Coast | The Light & Smith Manual (4th ed.) by Carlton (also amazing…)

Useful non-comprehensive ID resources

  • Insects of New England & New York by Murray
  • Caterpillars of Eastern N. America by Wagner
  • Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America by Eaton & Kaufman
  • Tracks and Sign of Insects and Other Invertebrates by Eiseman & Charney
  • Lichens of North America by Brodo et al.
  • A Field Guide to California Lichens by Sharnoff
  • California Mushrooms: The Comprehensive Identification Guide by Desjardin et al.
  • Arthropods of North America:
  • Plants of New England:
  • Life on earth:
  • Plants of California:
  • ID resources for a variety of taxa:

*Note that some of these can be very expensive. There are usually decent alternatives available at lower prices or you can find a pdf (email me if you need help). Also note that by comprehensive, I mean “covers all known species in the area.”